The future is fish: World Food Prize given to aquatic food systems expert

Dr. Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted, Global Lead for Nutrition and Public Health at WorldFish, has just been announced as the recipient of the 2021 World Food Prize for her influential work on nutrition, fish and aquatic foods systems.
Her groundbreaking research and innovations have led to the development of nutrition-sensitive approaches in aquatic food systems and integrated food production from land and water.
Scriptoria has worked with a range of clients, including WorldFish, to highlight how fish diets can prevent malnutrition-related illnesses and improve the cognitive development of small children. Fish is considered as one of the healthiest food sources on the planet. It’s loaded with micronutrients and is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Despite the rise of fish production and consumption in the recent years, problems related to micronutrient deficiency and malnutrition are still prevalent in developing countries.
Dr. Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted’s work focuses on maximising potential impacts of aquaculture and fisheries by improving quality, availability and access to food for the benefit of all populations regardless of their economic status.
She has been helping to shift global narratives of food production to higher food systems thinking, from the discourse on ‘feeding’ a growing global population to ‘nourishing’ billions of people, nations and the planet.
Take a look at a WorldFish video on this topic that was created and produced with the help of Scriptoria’s animation team.