Scriptoria showcases how sustainable electricity can empower rural communities
Many rural communities in India are hindered by the erratic nature of their electricity supply from the national grid, which is often not reliable enough to sustain local businesses. Smart Power India (SPI) was established by the Rockefeller Foundation to spur economic development in villages through access to reliable, affordable electricity.
Renewable energy mini-grids have the capacity to revolutionise rural industry, empower communities and drive socioeconomic development, while remaining sustainable and environmentally friendly. SPI aims to electrify 1,000 Indian villages in this way and impact more than a million lives.
In order to promote the important work SPI is undertaking, they required a small but powerful publication outlining their work and successes. Scriptoria was happy to bring this to life by writing, designing and laying out an information-rich brochure. Our writers and designers worked together to integrate a project overview, personal stories and photos in a striking layout that fits seamlessly with SPI’s visual brand.
If you have an inspiring project you would like the world to know about, get in touch with Scriptoria’s publications team for expert advice on reaching your target audience: