International Science Council wins People’s Lovie Award

Conversations on Rethinking Human Development, a ground-breaking online publication launched in 2020 by the International Science Council (ISC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), has won a People’s Lovie Award in the category “Websites – Website Craft Best Writing – Editorial”. Conversations on Rethinking Human Development is also a Bronze Winner in the category.
The publication marks 30 years since the first Human Development Report was released, and represents a global effort to tap into its visionary intellectual beginnings. The ISC/UNDP project Rethinking Human Development recognised that the world has changed, but that our understanding of what human development really is may have drifted from its core meaning – human development as freedom.
Alternately thoughtful, provocative and imaginative, the essays in Conversations on Rethinking Human Development span nine interconnected directions and are deeply empathetic to the suffering our fellow humans continue to face, despite impressive gains in the last three decades. Voices from the natural and social sciences and the humanities, as well as decision-makers and the wider public, are captured in this unique collaboration. According to Alison Meston, ISC Director of Communications, ISC focused on producing a “compelling storytelling narrative” and “an engaging multimedia user experience for academics, policy-makers and the general public alike.”
ISC has been a longstanding client of Scriptoria’s, and we are delighted to hear that Conversations on Rethinking Human Development, which our Communications Services Team provided editorial support for, has been recognised for its vision.
The annually held Lovie Awards are named in honour of British scientist Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer.